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Logosmart Eco is dedicated to offering purely eco-friendly and ethically sourced branded merchandise and promotional gifts.

But how can you be sure the promotional products you buy are really good for the environment and how do you start to unravel the jargon being used in the environmental debate today?

We assist you in choosing environmentally responsible merchandise which respects our planets natural resources. We show you the products that are produced from sustainable sources, the products that can be recycled and the products that won't end up in a landfill after they're discarded.

Our free ebook “The Green Truth” shows you the steps you can take in assessing a product or supplier’s green credentials. We take a look at the various labels, trade marks and the terminology in use and explain what they all actually mean download it from the link below.

The Green Truth

Or jump straight to our eco products catalogue with the link below;

Eco Products

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